Just Wages
Septuagesima – 2/16/2025
Matthew 20:1-16
Rev. Christopher W. Brademeyer
Our text from God’s holy Word for consideration this morning is our Gospel reading from St. Matthew’s second chapter, with special emphasis on verses 10-16:
“Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a denarius. And on receiving it they grumbled at the master of the house, saying, 'These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.' But he replied to one of them, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?' So the last will be first, and the first last.”[1]
Thus far the Scriptures.
In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Master’s Generosity
We live in a world where hard work is often measured by what we receive in return. We expect fairness, just compensation, and recognition for our efforts. When that expectation is disrupted, it can stir frustration or even resentment. Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard challenges that thinking and instead directs us to something greater: the abundant and undeserved grace of God.
At first glance, this parable appears to be about work and wages. Some labor from dawn until dusk, others only for an hour, yet all receive the same payment. Naturally, those who worked longer feel slighted. But to focus on the workers and their efforts is to miss the heart of this parable. The emphasis is not on human labor but on the generosity of the master—and ultimately, the boundless grace of God.
Imagine for a moment that you were among those workers. You labored all day under the scorching sun, pushing through exhaustion, while others arrived just before sundown and received the same wage. Wouldn’t you feel frustrated? Yet, the master reminds them—and us—that he has done no wrong. He has simply been generous.
The Centrality of Christ
Scripture is not primarily about us; it is first and foremost about Jesus. Every story, prophecy, and teaching in the Bible points to Him. When we read Scripture, our first instinct is often to place ourselves at its center, as if the Bible were primarily a guidebook for our own lives. But Jesus is the focus. The parable of the workers in the vineyard is not a lesson in fairness, but a picture of salvation—a salvation won entirely by Christ.
Our Lord Jesus did the work of redemption. He labored under the weight of sin, bore the heat of divine wrath, and suffered in our place. And yet, we receive the full benefit of His work, not because of our efforts, but because of His mercy.
Think of the thief on the cross.[2] Here was a man who lived a life of crime, who did nothing to deserve God’s grace. Yet, in his final moments, he turned to Jesus and was promised paradise. What a radical display of God’s mercy! That same mercy is extended to you and me.
Grace, Not Merit
Salvation works just like the master’s payment in the parable. It is not earned; it is given. When you were baptized, the saving death of Christ was made yours. When you receive absolution, your sins are forgiven because of Christ. When you partake of His body and blood in Holy Communion, you receive the full benefit of His sacrifice. None of this is based on your merit; it is purely the generosity of God.
This is the radical nature of divine grace: whether you have lived a life of faith since infancy or turn to Christ in your final moments, the same salvation is given. This truth can be unsettling because it dismantles our notions of fairness. But that is the beauty of the Gospel—it is not fair; it is merciful.
Think of a parent with multiple children. If one child is obedient from an early age while another constantly rebels but later returns home seeking forgiveness, the parent does not love them differently. The joy of a child returning home overshadows all else. This is the heart of God: He rejoices when even one sinner repents, no matter when that happens.
A Call to Rejoice, Not Resent
Jesus also warns against the resentment that can arise from God’s grace. The first workers grumble because they see others receiving what they perceive as an unearned reward. Sadly, Christians can fall into this same attitude. Longtime believers may look down on new converts. Those who have grown in spiritual maturity may become impatient with those still struggling in faith. But why should we resent God’s generosity? We have all received far more than we deserve.
Instead of begrudging God's grace, we are called to rejoice in it. When a sinner repents and enters the kingdom, heaven erupts in joy. So should we! If we truly understand the magnitude of what Christ has given us, we will delight in seeing others receive the same gift.
A Sure and Certain Hope
Dear friends, you need not worry about whether you have done enough, been good enough, or proven yourself worthy. God’s love does not depend on your performance. He has sought you, washed you in holy Baptism, forgiven your sins, and sustains you with His Word and Sacrament. Your place in His kingdom is secure, not because of what you have done, but because of what Christ has done for you.
So take heart! Whether you were called early in life or late, whether you have labored long or just begun, the reward remains the same: eternal life in Christ. And that is more than enough.
As we go forth today, let us examine our own hearts. Do we harbor resentment when we see others receiving grace? Do we sometimes believe that our long years of faithfulness entitle us to more? Let us instead rejoice in God’s mercy, knowing that we are all recipients of a gift we could never earn.
May we go forth with hearts filled with gratitude and joy, eager to share this good news with others, knowing that in Christ, we have received more than we could ever deserve.
In the Holy Name of + Jesus. Amen.
The Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
[1] Matthew 20:10-16 English Standard Version
[2] Luke 23:32-43