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Political Christians in a Contentious World

Writer: Rev. Chris BrademeyerRev. Chris Brademeyer

The Wise Ruler

The Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity – 11/3/2024

Proverbs 8:11-22

Rev. Christopher W. Brademeyer


That portion of God’s holy Word for consideration this morning is our Old Testament lesson from the book of Proverbs in the eighth chapter with special emphasis on verses twelve through sixteen which read as follows:


“I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion. The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate. I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength. By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just; by me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.”[1]


Thus far the Scriptures.


In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


                As you know, this week is election day. And, interestingly enough, the providence of the Lord saw fit to put this text from Proverbs into our lectionary. Here we see the goodness and virtue of wisdom, a description of the responsibility of the wise, and how rulers ought to behave. Before I go any further, we must clear the air on something that is surprisingly controversial in today’s world: Christians are to conduct themselves like Christians in all parts of their lives, even in politics and the ballot box. There is something of a reaction to this when preachers say it, as if our political lives are private and the Lord would have nothing to do with it. This is, by the way, literally the opposite of what “political” means. It deals with public things, particularly, how we should rule ourselves and live with one another here in our place and time. The laws that we have are political, our customs are political, selecting leaders is political. In short, anything that has to do with our public life together is a political thing. And it is very strange that Christians would think that we can suspend our Christianity, our devotion to our Lord in order to do politics.

                To put it another way, this is not wise. All wisdom is from God. He gives us understanding and knowledge. His Spirit illumines in us the truth, namely Christ and Him crucified. This is the center hub of all truth, Christ Jesus. And all other truths build on and radiate out from Him. To sever any part of our lives from Christ, whether business, education, morals, relationships, or politics from Him is the very definition of lacking in wisdom. Without Christ informing and illuminating there can neither be wisdom nor can there be understanding. In short, all that is left is foolishness.

                So what is expected of the wise man or woman who steps out from the church and into the public square? To operate in the wisdom of Christ. This means that we embrace, promote, and if needed, defend that which is good and Godly. It also means that we resist all evil in all places. It is no accident that Solomon, who wrote this part of Proverbs, lists the wise person as resisting evil immediately before describing rulers as being wise. In other words, these two ideas have something to do with each other.

                Let me be blunt. Christian rulers cannot support any evils, no matter how politically expedient they might be. And for those of us who are Christians, we must not support those who promote evil. This is simple enough. And despite the plain and obvious truth of this, every election year sees people justifying and  promoting evil in the name of being politically savvy. I know that this is seen as a naïve view of things, but it is the same view that God, here through the pen of Solomon, teaches us. Resist evil, support the good. Those of us who are able to select officials, do not vote for those who promote evil. Those of us who have and rule or authority in this life must act like Christians and seek what is good while fighting against and curbing what is evil.

                Can you even imagine it? A country of wise people ruled by the wise? There would be, as Solomon notes, prosperity in abundance. Peace would reign. But the true prosperity of a godly people is not material wealth, but the fruit of wisdom. And the true wisdom is Christ the Lord, knowledge of Him, receiving His salvation, and living accordingly. And this is greater than any treasure or wealth or property or honor in this world. These can be taken away. The thief can take treasure, the neighbor can ruin property, slander can remove honor, but true wisdom, founded in Christ, cannot be taken away.

                So what does this mean for us? Firstly, when we approach political matters, we cannot trust political party or president to save us. God Himself will be the one to wipe away our tears, not Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.[2] As the Scripture plainly says, do not put your trust in mortal rulers, instead trust in the Lord to rule and to save. No politician will save you, redeem you, provide for you, or otherwise fix your life.[3] Jesus already has in giving Himself for you and your salvation. Secondly, do not support evil in politics in any way shape or form. Pragmatic choices can be useful and sometimes must be made, but they can never be an excuse to promote that which God hates. And make no mistake, God hates sin. He really hates it when rulers and authorities, who are supposed to listen to Him, promote evil. Make no mistake, God is not mocked and there is no one who will not stand before Him on Judgement Day. This means that we do not turn a blind eye to the horrors of abortion, the false and ungodly understanding of marriage that permeates every part of our society, disregard for the poor, hatred of our neighbors, or any other thing condemned in Scripture. Thirdly, pray for your rulers, even and especially the ones who promote evil. Pray that they repent of their wickedness and turn to wise and godly rule. Pray that they come to faith in Christ and submit themselves to His Law and commands. And pray that God’s will be done in political matters. Fourth, remember to trust that all things ultimately serve God’s purposes[4]. Even evil rulers will serve some purpose in His designs, even if we cannot see it at the present. This is not to minimize or dismiss the horror of evil on the part of rulers, but to remind you that God is still in control and that He will set things right at the end of all things. Fifth, do what you can here to serve your neighbor. So many of our political problems can be lessened with a little care and attentiveness on our part for those around us. So much of the bluster of talking heads would have us believe that we cannot do anything about our present evil age and that we simply must delegate all authority and solutions to those who would lead us. And sixth and finally, remember that no matter which side wins, no matter if we get a good or bad president, no matter if the congress is majority Republican or Democrat, you belong to Christ who is King of kings and Lord of lords. He is greater than all earthly power and even the greatest of governments and nations are paltry and weak before Him. More than this, He is your God and Savior.

                So, do not fret or fear, for your fate is secure in Christ. And in Christ you have eternal life, forgiveness, and even the resurrection of your bodies, eternal things that no earthly government can take or destroy.


In the Holy Name of + Jesus. Amen.

 The peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

[1] Proverbs 8:12-16 English Standard Version

[2] Revelation 21:4

[3] Psalm 146:3

[4] Romans 8:28



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