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The Cloud

Writer's picture: Rev. Chris BrademeyerRev. Chris Brademeyer

The Cloud

The Transfiguration of Our Lord – 2/9/2025

Matthew 17:1-9

Rev. Christopher W. Brademeyer


That portion of God’s holy Word for consideration this morning is our Gospel lesson from St. Matthew’s seventeenth chapter with special emphasis on verses five through eight, which read as follows:

  He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to             him.” When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified.  But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.”  And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.”[1]


Thus far the Scriptures.


In the Name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


A Glimpse of Glory

                Imagine standing on a mountain with Jesus. Suddenly, His appearance changes—His face shines like the sun, His clothes become dazzling white. Then, out of nowhere, Moses and Elijah appear, speaking with Him. If that was not overwhelming enough, a bright cloud covers the mountain, and the voice of God thunders from heaven: “This is My beloved Son... listen to Him.”

                How would you react? How would you feel?

The disciples’ reaction is exactly what we might expect: terror. They fall to their faces, overwhelmed by the presence of God. But then, Jesus comes to them, touches them, and says, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lift up their eyes, everything else has disappeared. No Moses. No Elijah. No cloud. Only Jesus remains.

                This moment—the Transfiguration—is one of the clearest revelations of who Jesus truly is, But there is a detail in this account that often gets overlooked: the cloud.


The Meaning of the Cloud

                At first glance, the cloud may seem like an incidental detail. But in Scripture, clouds are seldom just background scenery. They are often signs of God’s presence. Such supernatural clouds are often part of God’s appearances to his people.


Throughout the Old Testament, such clouds mean two things:

  1. God’s glorious presence

  2. God’s merciful concealment


Consider these examples:

  • In Exodus, a pillar of cloud led Israel through the wilderness.[2]

  • On Mount Sinai, the cloud covered the mountain when Moses received the Law.[3]

  • In the Tabernacle, the cloud rested on the Ark of the Covenant, marking God’s dwelling place.[4]

  • In the Temple, a cloud filled the Holy of Holies when God’s presence settled there.[5]


                The cloud reveals God’s glory, but it also conceals Him—because sinful humanity cannot stand in the full, unveiled presence of a holy God. As Job’s friend Eliphaz puts it, the cloud veils God which has the consequence of Him not seeing our sins.[6] Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel all describe God using clouds as both a sign of judgment and a means of protection.[7]

                And now, on the mountain of Transfiguration, the cloud appears again—not over a place, but over a person. The presence of God is no longer centered in the Temple, the Ark, or a mountaintop. It is centered in Jesus.


No One But Jesus

                When the cloud lifts, only Jesus remains.

This is the point of the Transfiguration: all the Law and the Prophets—Moses and Elijah—point to Him. The voice of the Father confirms it: “This is My beloved Son... listen to Him.”

                The disciples, like many people today, may have been tempted to put Jesus alongside other great figures of the faith. But the Transfiguration makes it clear: Jesus is not just another prophet or teacher—He is God Himself.

                The cloud that once covered Mount Sinai, the cloud that filled the Holy of Holies—now rests upon Christ. He is the fulfillment of everything the Old Testament foreshadowed.

And what does He say to His terrified disciples? “Rise and have no fear.”


Application: Where Is God?

What does this mean for us today? It means that in times of doubt, suffering, or uncertainty, we do not have to wonder where God is—we look to Jesus.

  • When we struggle with sin, He is the One who forgives.

  • When we feel lost, He is the One who leads us to righteousness and salvation.

  • When fear grips our hearts, He is the One who says, “Rise, and have no fear.”

Listening to Jesus means trusting that He is enough. It means letting His words shape our lives, our choices, and our faith. It means knowing that no matter what darkness we face, the glory of God in Christ will always shine brighter.


The Cloud & The Cross

                But notice this: after the Transfiguration, Jesus does not stay on the mountain. He comes down. And He sets His face toward another mountain—Calvary.

The glory the disciples glimpsed on the mountain would soon be hidden. Jesus would be clothed not in radiant white, but in the darkness of our sin. On the cross, no bright cloud would cover Him—only the shadow of death. He would hear no voice from heaven—only silence.

But this was His mission. He came not just to be transfigured in glory, but to be crucified in our place. He came to bridge the gap between sinful humanity and a holy God. And when He rose again, He made it possible for us to stand in His presence forever—unveiled, unafraid, forgiven.


A Final Word of Comfort

                So when you wonder where God is, when fear and doubt creep in, remember the Transfiguration. God has made Himself known in Jesus, because Jesus is God. His presence is not hidden behind a cloud but revealed in the Son, who came down the mountain to go to the cross for you.

Listen to Him. Trust in Him. And when the time comes, He will return in the clouds—not to hide, but to bring you into His glorious presence forever.


In the Holy Name of + Jesus. Amen.


The peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


[1] Matthew 17:5-8 English Standard Version

[2] Exodus 13:21

[3] Exodus 33:9ff

[4] Leviticus 16:12-13

[5] 1 Kings 8:10-11

[6] Job 22:14

[7] Isaiah 19:1, Lamentations 3:44, Ezekiel 1:4


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